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    发布时间: 2024-05-05 03:11首页:主页 > 国际 > 阅读()



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    Nature, 2 May 2024 , VOL 629, ISSUE 8010



    A magnetar giant flare in the nearby starburst galaxy M82


    ▲ 作者:Sandro Mereghetti, Michela Rigoselli, Ruben Salvaterra, Dominik Patryk Pacholski, James Craig Rodi, Diego Gotz, et al.

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    ▲ 摘要:

    磁星巨大耀斑是一种罕见的爆发事件,在不到1秒钟的时间里,从年轻的中子星释放出高达1047尔格的伽马射线,磁场高达1015?16  G。大约50年来,在银河系和大麦哲伦星云的磁星上只观测到三次这样的耀斑。


    人们已提出一些具有不同置信区间的短GRBs,这是附近星系中的候选磁星巨大耀斑。研究组报道了GRB 231115A的观测结果,其与星暴星系M82的位置一致。GRB 231115A的光谱特性,加上爆发长度,在几小时内获得的X射线和光学对应物的限制,以及缺乏引力波信号,毫无疑问地证明了这次爆发是来自M82磁星的巨大耀斑。

    ▲ Abstract:

    Magnetar giant flares are rare explosive events releasing up to  1047?erg in gamma rays in less than 1?second from young neutron stars with magnetic fields up to 1015?16?G. Only three such flares have been seen from magnetars in our Galaxy and in the Large Magellanic Cloud in roughly 50?years. This small sample can be enlarged by the discovery of extragalactic events, as for a fraction of a second giant flares reach luminosities above 1046ergs?1, which makes them visible up to a few tens of megaparsecs. However, at these distances they are difficult to distinguish from short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs); much more distant and energetic (1050?53erg) events, originating in compact binary mergers. A few short GRBs have been proposed, with different amounts of confidence, as candidate giant magnetar flares in nearby galaxies. Here we report observations of GRB 231115A, positionally coincident with the starburst galaxy M82. Its spectral properties, along with the length of the burst, the limits on its X-ray and optical counterparts obtained within a few hours, and the lack of a gravitational wave signal, unambiguously qualify this burst as a giant flare from a magnetar in M82.

    材料科学Materials Science

    Bevel-edge epitaxy of ferroelectric rhombohedral boron nitride single crystal


    ▲ 作者:Li Wang, Jiajie Qi, Wenya Wei, Mengqi Wu, Zhibin Zhang, Xiaomin Li, et al.

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    ▲ 摘要:




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