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    发布时间: 2024-08-24 20:58首页:主页 > 国际 > 阅读()




    Nature, Volume 632 Issue 8026, 22 August 2024《自然》,第632卷,8026期,2024年8月22日



    Attosecond delays in X-ray molecular ionization


    ▲ 作者:Taran Driver, Miles Mountney, Jun Wang, Lisa Ortmann, Andre Al-Haddad, Nora Berrah, Christoph Bostedt, Elio G. Champenois, Louis F. DiMauro, Joseph Duris, Douglas Garratt, James M. Glownia, Zhaoheng Guo, Daniel Haxton, Erik Isele, Igor Ivanov, Jiabao Ji, Andrei Kamalov, Siqi Li, Ming-Fu Lin, Jon P. Marangos, Razib Obaid, Jordan T. O’Neal, Philipp Rosenberger, James P. Cryan Show authors

    ▲ 链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07771-9

    ▲ 摘要:光电效应并非真正瞬时的,而是表现出阿秒的延迟,可以揭示复杂的分子动力学。亚飞秒持续时间的光脉冲为解决光电离动力学提供了必要的工具。过去十年,人们对单光子吸收极紫外光子后的光电离延迟进行了大量的研究。然而,测量时间分辨核能级的光离仍然遥不可及。所需的X射线光子能量所需的核心级光电离是不可用阿秒桌面源。



    ▲ Abstract:The photoelectric effect is not truly instantaneous but exhibits attosecond delays that can reveal complex molecular dynamics. Sub-femtosecond-duration light pulses provide the requisite tools to resolve the dynamics of photoionization. Accordingly, the past decade has produced a large volume of work on photoionization delays following single-photon absorption of an extreme ultraviolet photon. However, the measurement of time-resolved core-level photoionization remained out of reach. The required X-ray photon energies needed for core-level photoionization were not available with attosecond tabletop sources. Here we report measurements of the X-ray photoemission delay of core-level electrons, with unexpectedly large delays, ranging up to 700?as in NO near the oxygen K-shell threshold. These measurements exploit attosecond soft X-ray pulses from a free-electron laser to scan across the entire region near the K-shell threshold. Furthermore, we find that the delay spectrum is richly modulated, suggesting several contributions, including transient trapping of the photoelectron owing to shape resonances, collisions with the Auger–Meitner electron that is emitted in the rapid non-radiative relaxation of the molecule and multi-electron scattering effects. The results demonstrate how X-ray attosecond experiments, supported by comprehensive theoretical modelling, can unravel the complex correlated dynamics of core-level photoionization.

    A hot-emitter transistor based on stimulated emission of heated carriers


    ▲ 作者:Chi Liu, Xin-Zhe Wang, Cong Shen, Lai-Peng Ma, Xu-Qi Yang, Yue Kong, Wei Ma, Yan Liang, Shun Feng, Xiao-Yue Wang, Yu-Ning Wei, Xi Zhu, Bo Li, Chang-Ze Li, Shi-Chao Dong, Li-Ning Zhang, Wen-Cai Ren, Dong-Ming Sun & Hui-Ming Cheng▲ 链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07785-3






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