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时间:2024-01-23 15:04 | 栏目:国际 | 点击:


Chinese Olympic and world swimming champion Sun Yang was handed an eight-year ban as the Court of Arbitration of Sport (CAS) upheld the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)s appeal.


Sun said he will appeal to the Swiss Federal Tribunal against the CAS decision.


Sun refused to complete a doping test conducted by the international testing company IDTM on Sept 4, 2018, saying the doping control officer and her assistants lacked sufficient authorization and credentials.


His case was later heard by swimmings world governing body FINA, who decided on Jan 3, 2019 that the swimmer was not guilty of anti-doping rule violations. WADA disagreed and appealed the decision.


>PM to marry pregnant partner


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his girlfriend Carrie Symonds are expecting their first child and have announced their engagement.


"The prime minister and Miss Symonds are very pleased to announce their engagement and that they are expecting a baby in the early summer," a spokesperson for the couple said on Saturday.


The announcement means Johnson will become the first British prime minister to marry in office for nearly 200 years.


Johnson, 55, had four children - all adults now - with his ex-wife Marina Wheeler.


>Govt curbs imports of infections


China has taken scientific and active measures to curb cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia being imported from overseas as the epidemic continues to worsen internationally.


At a news conference held by the State Councils joint prevention and control mechanism on Sunday, Lin Wei, an official at the General Administration of Customs, said that it has adopted strict measures on entry-exit epidemic control including requiring the submission of a declaration of health to screen people with epidemic symptoms.


Anyone entering or exiting ports and airports should have their temperatures checked, and strict inspections will be carried out on people with symptoms, those from regions severely hit by the virus, and those who have had contact with confirmed patients, he said.


The disease has been detected in at least 60 countries. Cities including Beijing and Shenzhen have seen imported cases of the disease.


>50% patients didnt have fever


More than half of the coronavirus patients admitted into hospitals did not have a fever, new research has found. The paper, published on Friday on the website of the New England Journal of Medicine, said only 43.8% of patients had fever on admission, and the ratio grew to 88.7% during hospitalization. Coughs were detected in 67.8% of the patients, making it the most common symptom alongside fever, according to the research led by Zhong Nanshan, a prominent expert in respiratory diseases.


The findings were based on 1,099 novel coronavirus patients scattered across 552 hospitals in 30 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities. The data were collected starting Jan 29, 2020, the paper said.


The research found that the median incubation period was four days, and only 1.9% of the patients reported direct contact with wildlife.


Among nonresidents of Wuhan, 72.3% had contact with Wuhan residents, including 31.3% who had visited the city, the study found.


