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  • 2021年中考加油,祝你旗开得胜,锦绣前程

    发布时间: 2024-05-17 14:51首页:主页 > 国内 > 阅读()






    Best Wishes To You

    Efforts to struggle, Courageous upward;

    Sail for yourselves, Cheer for tomorrow.

    Im so lucky to have met all of you here and been your English teacher for one year, and this year has been a unique and particularly unforgettable year for me. Along the way, what I most want to say to you now is "Thank you". Thank you for your trust in me, and thank you for all your cooperation and efforts! Here, I’d like to share with you a few words:

    The so-called "Youth", the best way of life, is not to lie in bed all day long and wake up just for nature calls, not to stay at home and do nothing, and not to indulge yourslef in a virtual world, but to fight with a group of like-minded people. When you recall the past,there will be wonderful memories;when you look at your present life,there will be firm footsteps under your feet.And when you look up,you can clearly know where you are heading.I bet you will never regret having that sort of life when you look back one day.Come on!Let’s go for it!




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