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    发布时间: 2024-07-27 21:35首页:主页 > 国际 > 阅读()



    Nature,  25 July 2024, VOL 631, ISSUE 8022



    材料科学Materials Science

    Plasticity in single-crystalline Mg3Bi2 thermoelectric material


    ▲ 作者:Peng Zhao, Wenhua Xue, Yue Zhang, Shizhen Zhi, Xiaojing Ma, Jiamin Qiu, et al.








    ▲ Abstract:

    Most of the state-of-the-art thermoelectric materials are inorganic semiconductors. Owing to the directional covalent bonding, they usually show limited plasticity at room temperature, for example, with a tensile strain of less than five per cent. Here we discover that single-crystalline Mg3Bi2 shows a room-temperature tensile strain of up to 100 per cent when the tension is applied along the (0001) plane (that is, the ab plane). Such a value is at least one order of magnitude higher than that of traditional thermoelectric materials and outperforms many metals that crystallize in a similar structure. Experimentally, slip bands and dislocations are identified in the deformed Mg3Bi2, indicating the gliding of dislocations as the microscopic mechanism of plastic deformation. Analysis of chemical bonding reveals multiple planes with low slipping barrier energy, suggesting the existence of several slip systems in Mg3Bi2. In addition, continuous dynamic bonding during the slipping process prevents the cleavage of the atomic plane, thus sustaining a large plastic deformation. Importantly, the tellurium-doped single-crystalline Mg3Bi2 shows a power factor of about 55 microwatts per centimetre per kelvin squared and a figure of merit of about 0.65 at room temperature along the ab plane, which outperforms the existing ductile thermoelectric materials.


    3D printable elastomers with exceptional strength and toughness


    ▲ 作者:Zizheng Fang, Hongfeng Mu, Zhuo Sun, Kaihang Zhang, Anyang Zhang, Jiada Chen, et al.






    研究组报道了一种3D光打印树脂化学策略,其产生的弹性体抗拉强度为94.6 MPa,韧性为310.4 MJ m-3,两者均远远超过任何3D打印弹性体。从机理上讲,这通过打印聚合物中的动态共价键来实现,同时还实现了网络拓扑结构重构。


    ▲ Abstract:

    Three-dimensional (3D) printing has emerged as an attractive manufacturing technique because of its exceptional freedom in accessing geometrically complex customizable products. Its potential for mass manufacturing, however, is hampered by its low manufacturing efficiency (print speed) and insufficient product quality (mechanical properties). Recent progresses in ultra-fast 3D printing of photo-polymers have alleviated the issue of manufacturing efficiency, but the mechanical performance of typical printed polymers still falls far behind what is achievable with conventional processing techniques. This is because of the printing requirements that restrict the molecular design towards achieving high mechanical performance. Here we report a 3D photo-printable resin chemistry that yields an elastomer with tensile strength of 94.6 MPa and toughness of 310.4 MJ m-3, both of which far exceed that of any 3D printed elastomer. Mechanistically, this is achieved by the dynamic covalent bonds in the printed polymer that allow network topological reconfiguration. This facilitates the formation of hierarchical hydrogen bonds (in particular, amide hydrogen bonds), micro-phase separation and interpenetration architecture, which contribute synergistically to superior mechanical performance. Our work suggests a brighter future for mass manufacturing using 3D printing.

    人工智能Artificial Intelligence

    AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data


    ▲ 作者:Ilia Shumailov, Zakhar Shumaylov, Yiren Zhao, Nicolas Papernot, Ross Anderson & Yarin Gal





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